Church and ministry staff, especially pastors, need a lot of support from other people. The work is hard, emotional, and isolating. One source of support is just not enough, and there are joys and challenges for each kind of support.

Congregational Support

Every pastor and church staff member needs some support in their congregation. They need individuals they can trust, talk too, ask for prayer, and be authentic with. This kind of support is often the most important but the hardest to find. It is very easy to experience betrayal in these relationships. 

Local and/or Denominational Support

Everyone needs a local group of colleagues and/or a group from their tradition/association/denomination. It is even better when people in this group have a similar ministry role in their church. This kind of support is beneficial because they understand the culture and community. The challenge comes in being able to be fully honest given the local or denominational connection.

Distance Support

Pastors and church staff need support from people who are not a part of their church, community, or tradition/denomination/association. This kind of support is often the most helpful because it is far easier to be open, honest, and authentic. It is also very helpful because they can provide a different perspective. The challenge of course is directly related to that as they may not know enough about the context. 

Pastors need support and encouragement now more than ever. We are working hard to build up each type of support. 

We enhance congregation support through educating churches on how to be healthier for their congregation, pastors, and staff.

We help local pastor groups form and operate in healthy ways through education and resources.

We create support from a distance through our Pastors4Pastors initiative where pastors, church and ministry staff are in groups with other leaders from around the world. 

We invite you to partner with us financially, through prayer, or in partnership. 

Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Carlson, Executive Director

Categories: Leadership


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