Part of the human design (and reality) is a need to work. By work, I am not just talking about a job where you go and work and get paid. I am talking about all types and forms of work. We spend a large portion (if not the largest portion) of our lives working. Our work is not just our jobs and our careers. It is the work of running a household, the work of family, and the volunteer work we do.
While our work does not define us, it is a huge part of our lives and in many ways shapes us. While it should not be our identity, our work is very much a part of who we are. We are certainly created to produce and to add value to the world. While who we are will always be more important than what we do, our work matters.
One of the areas of emphasis at Preparing for Amazement Ministries is organizational health. We have generally focused on church, ministry, pastor, and leader health, but in recent months we feel called to more than that.
Specifically, if we spend a large portion of our lives working, shouldn’t we find more joy and meaning in our work?
One of our goals going forward is doing more work with organizations, teams, and individuals in any industry to help them find greater joy and productivity in their work. We have received training from The Table Group and Patrick Lencioni, so we can expand into helping all sectors while supporting the ministry work that we do.
We are excited to launch our Working Genius services, which are offered through one of our partner ministries ( Our Executive Director has become a Working Genius Facilitator and is leading individuals and groups through this great tool to bring greater joy and productivity to individuals, teams, and organizations. We encourage you to check it out!
Work is a huge part of our lives, and it should give us joy. May you find greater joy in all the work you do throughout your life!
Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Carlson, Executive Director