Empowering and equipping churches to resemble the church from Acts in their context.
We exist to serve churches, pastors and other leaders, helping churches desiring revitalization. We offer a wide variety of resources, and support for those desiring revitalization. All of our services and support are based on research and experience. While there is consistency in the support and resources we offer, we contextualize our work to best serve the churches, groups, and individuals we work with.
What is Church Revitalization
Three Reasons Revitalization is Needed
Our Process & Support
What is Church Revitalization
Revitalization is without question a biblical concept. It appears in reference to individuals and to communities. The call is to be transformed by the renewal of our mind, to see ourselves as made new in Christ. Revitalization means to be made new. Almost any church could use some revitalization, but many churches desperately need to be revitalized. See our writing on the 3 reasons your church needs revitalization to learn more. So what is church revitalization?
Looking Like the Church from Acts in Your Context
The primary purpose of revitalization is to look as much like the early church from the book of Acts in your context as possible. Context matters significantly. Context is the location, culture, and time in history in which a church exists. It shapes our ministry, purpose, and culture. While we must honor context, we have also been given a clear model of what the church should look like in any context. This model is seen in the book of Acts. In the formation and operation of the early church, we have the principles that should shape our churches. Churches embracing revitalization look more and more like the early church.
Experiencing Transformation in Jesus
The scripture calls us to continual renewal and transformation. Churches that experience revitalization also experience transformation. Our culture has demonized this word, and we must reclaim its scriptural value. While God does not change, the world does change and we as individuals change as we grow in our relationship with Jesus. Churches that embrace revitalization experience transformation into an even greater expression of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God.
Finding Clarity of Call and Purpose
The primary call of a church is the great commission which is to make disciples. Every church that exists does so because God has allowed it to exist. It exists for a reason. The role of the church is to partner with the Holy Spirit to discern that reason and live into it. Most churches wander, focusing primarily on habit or being driven entirely by reaction to culture, members, loudest complainers, or biggest givers. As Proverbs notes, without vision, the people perish. Every church that lacks vision will perish, and unfortunately, so many churches suffer an identity crisis. They are either stuck in who they are (which is often driven by a particular pastor or family) or are constantly being changed by the culture or the latest church fad. Each church must know and embrace its identity, mission, and purpose. Every church exists in a time, space, and location for a reason, and that reason always involves serving the community in which they are placed. Churches that are revitalizing have a clarity of call, mission (purpose), and identity.
Three Reasons Revitalization is Needed
Lack of Clarity or Purpose
Lack of clarity or confusion is a killer for organizations, including and perhaps especially so for churches. Confusion is a hinderance to health. When churches lack clarity, they have no focus and tend to wander. Lack of clarity leads to reactivity and additional conflict. A lack of purpose leaves a church aimless. Energy and resources are wasted with no clear end goal in mind. Oftentimes, churches get stuck in the routine with no real understanding of the purpose of their ministry, often being shaped by personality, rather than their call and mission.
High Levels of Conflict or Crisis
Churches with significant conflict are in need of revitalization. Conflict is the greatest killer of churches. Churches compound the problem by handling conflict poorly or not at all. Conflict creates anxiety, division, and hurt. Churches experiencing a significant crisis are also in need of revitalization. In these cases, it is difficult to move through the conflict or crisis and pivot to revitalization without outside help.
The Church has Plateaued or is Declining
The vast majority (at least 90%) of churches in the United States are plateaued or declining. A plateaued church is one that has stopped growing or one whose rate of attrition equals its rate of growth. In most churches, this means swapping people or having the birth and death rate even out. A church that is declining is losing more people than it is gaining. Most churches in the United States (around 70%) are declining. Churches who are not growing for whatever reason are in need of revitalization.
We often underestimate our need for revitalization in the church. We also forget how powerful habit, muscle memory, and culture are in our churches. We desire to help churches revitalize and find new life in Jesus.
Our Process
While the resources, support and services we offer for churches seeking revitalization vary by context, our process for revitalization is universal.
- Assess: examine the context using a variety of tools and methods to give the most accurate view of the culture, needs, challenges, and opportunities for the church or organization.
- Educate: provide information to empower and equip the church or organization for revitalization and sustainable health.
- Implement: provide resources, support, and other assistance.
Additionally, we offer specialized support tailored for your context:
Church Revitalization Support: We provide high-quality leadership and pastoral support for congregations that need direct support for worship, sermons, meetings, and other leadership services.
Racial Reconciliation Consult: We work with a multi-cultural team that provides contextualized support for churches addressing racism or pursuing racial reconciliation in their church or community.
Transition Services: We provide resources, support, and encouragement for congregations experiencing significant transition in leadership, denomination, mission, or other types of transition.
Strategic Plan Consultation: Full consultation: helps the church revise or establish a strategic plan to include: core values, mission, vision, goals and more.
Crisis/Conflict Intervention: We aid congregations struggling with enduring conflict or significant crises through assessment, recommendations, and support for implementation.
Seminars: We offer content-rich learning opportunities for churches, ministry leaders, and congregational leaders ranging from 1 to 4 hours that cover topics such as habits of healthy churches , leader health, conflict in the church, healthy leadership principles and models.
View our full menu of services here.