Empowering and equipping churches and leaders to create lasting and transformational health.
We provide support, education and resources for pastors and ministry leaders to experience transformative health for maximum Kingdom impact. We also help churches experience greater organizational health through education, training, consulting and other support.
Patrick Lencioni, in his book, The Advantage, notes that ‘organizational health trumps everything.’ Not only have we found his argument to be true in the church to a high degree, but we have also found it to be true for the leaders of the church as well. Outside of the work of God, health is the most important factor in the effectiveness of pastors, staff and ministry leaders. Outside of the Gospel, the most important factor in the effectiveness of a church is the health of the church. Health trumps all.
We often think of health just in terms of the physical, but that is a rather limited view.
Health does not happen by accident; it takes intention and action. You may not be the most dynamic pastor or staff member, but you can be the healthiest you can be. Health trumps it all. Healthy leaders are thriving leaders. Healthy churches are thriving churches. God wants his children and his churches to experience lasting and transformative health. Health in every area of our lives is part of the promise of an abundant life. Health is not easy, but it is essential.
For addressing church and leader health, we offer the following:
Health Retreats: We equip leaders, staff, pastors, and congregations for greater health in one day, one and a half day, and two day retreats with additional features available. Participants will be empowered to lean into healthy practices as they discover ways to pursue their mission well.
Pastors4Pastors: We coach, encourage, and support any ministry staff for greater health and renewed passion for the mission of God. Through our groups of loving and supportive ministry leaders, participants will be able to share their struggles and joys as well as receive practical help in challenging contexts. We examine 7 areas of health: spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, vocational, relational, foundational/other. Discover more here.
Local Ministry Support Groups: We connect you with other ministry leaders in your area for a robust and consistent opportunity to develop healthy practices together. If you do not have a group in your area, we also provide models, support, and resources to form health, local ministry staff support networks.
Seminars: We offer content-rich learning opportunities for churches, ministry leaders, and congregational leaders ranging from 1 to 4 hours that cover topics such as habits of healthy churches, leader health, conflict in the church, and healthy leadership principles and models.