Our Programs: Church Revitalization Network – Preparing for Amazement Ministries

Our mission is to revitalize and build the global church.

The world is a mess. The church is a mess.

The church around the world is in decline. In the United States alone, roughly 70% of churches are in decline, 20% are plateaued and 10% are growing. Only 1% of churches are growing from people new to the faith. We are driven by the notion that the local church is meant to be the hope of the world as is brings Jesus to its communities. We are driven by a desire to ensure that some form of the Christian church exists for our own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We know Jesus desires for the church to grow and to make a difference in individuals, families, communities and the world. 

We recognize that throughout the United States (and beyond) there are thousands of churches with wonderful people who love Jesus and want to see their churches revitalize and make a difference in their communities. The church should be a healthy agent of community transformation, but most churches are not healthy and are struggling to live out their mission. We do not want the church to die. We do not want our communities to fall apart.

This program will establish a network for church revitalization (and training to carry out such revitalization), which is open to all churches in the United States. While churches in the United States are in a state of decline, many have great members who desire to bring revitalization to their church. This network will empower and encourage congregations for the wonderful joy and responsibility of sharing the love of Jesus with the world. It will have online resources and will establish connections between member churches to learn from and support one another as they each seek to revitalize their church. This program may also include seminars and learning experiences to provide a knowledge base and processes to network churches.

Initially, churches will receive contextualized support, education/training (free seminars) and assistance in discerning what revitalization looks like in their context.  This network will have online resources and will establish connections between member churches to learn from and support one another as they each seek to revitalize their church. Network churches will have access to a team of experts from whom they can get advice, ideas and further resources as they revitalize. Each church will be asked to commit to being a part of the network and providing any support they can. Network churches would be asked to donate a small amount to the ministry based on their size to support the work Preparing for Amazement does with their church as well as other churches.

The church needs heroes. You can be one of those heroes by joining others in doing small things with great love that together can change churches, communities and the world. You can help churches move from death to life, decline to growth, despair to hope.

Visit our website to learn more and support our work!

Our Mission is to revitalize and build the global church.

Categories: Network


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