Enneagram Coaching
One of the many services we offer is enneagram coaching. It is not only open to pastors, church staff and ministry leaders, but anyone who is interested in growing in self-knowledge!
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Voices in the Wilderness Podcast-Episode 16
Episode 16: Marcus Carlson. Topic: Principle of Thirds Preparing for Amazement Ministries has another episode out for you today! If you enjoy watching, find it on our YouTube. Listen on your favorite podcast platform!Each episode has a new guest featured Read more…
Voices in the Wilderness Podcast-Episode 15
Episode 15: Adam Bower. Topic: Humility Preparing for Amazement Ministries has another episode out for you today! If you enjoy watching, find it on our YouTube. Listen on your favorite podcast platform!Each episode has a new guest featured with our Read more…
Voices in the Wilderness Podcast-Episode 14
Episode 14: Christian Nichles. Topic: Leader Health Preparing for Amazement Ministries has another episode out for you today! If you enjoy watching, find it on our YouTube. Listen on your favorite podcast platform!Each episode has a new guest featured with Read more…
International Training
Malawi Trip
We had an incredible trip to Malawi where we went to train pastors and lay leaders in areas of great poverty who have had little to no access to education or training. The trip was led by our one of Read more…
Voices in the Wilderness Podcast-Episode 13
Episode 13: David Wang (Part 2). Topic: Leader Health Preparing for Amazement Ministries has another episode out for you today! If you enjoy watching, find it on our YouTube. Listen on your favorite podcast platform!Each episode has a new guest Read more…
Pastor Appreciation
While dialoguing with ministry leaders on my porch in the fall sun last week, one of the gals asked, “Is there a distinction between being shown value and appreciation?” We had been reflecting together on the concept of October being pastor Read more…
International Training
Pastor Appreciation Month Suggestions
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. There are many ways to show appreciation, and the most impactful are the personal, the heartfelt, and the meaningful! If you don’t know your pastor, get to know them! Here are a few great options Read more…