The tagline verse for our ministry is ‘the whole gospel for the whole world’. Like our theme verse, it comes from Marcus’ college experience. This tagline was, at the time, a part of the DNA of Eastern University where Marcus earned his undergraduate degree. This shaped the school tremendously and as a result, shaped Marcus and his ministry in a profound way. His college experience was one where he experienced a lot of spiritual growth and learning and experienced his first ministry learning both in the classroom and in practice.
While this tagline came from another organization, we chose it because it fits our understanding of our work and describes our work in a very simple, easy to grasp way. We recognize that Jesus is for everyone, as is the Gospel. Simply put, the Gospel is the good news of Jesus and his unconditional love and grace. We affirm, celebrate and shape our ministry around the reality that the Gospel is for everyone. Everyone. The Gospel is not just for those in the United States, not just for the wealthy, the put together or Christian believer. The Gospel is for everyone.
Acts 1:8 drives this point home: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Jesus, in offering the Great Commission to his disciples, calls each of us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” This is why our ministry is focused on building and revitalizing the global Christian church. This is why one component of our ministry has an International focus, one has a focus in the United States and the third is a bridge program between the two.
We also embrace the holistic nature of the Gospel. We know that the good news of Jesus’ unconditional love and grace brings spiritual transformation. But we also recognize that the gospel brings emotional transformation, wholeness, joy and peace. We celebrate that the Gospel deepens us intellectually and calls us to greater spiritual health. We celebrate that the Gospel is so transformative that it changes the practical aspects of our lives: our family, our work, our finances, our relationships and so much more.
Preparing for Amazement Ministry has chosen this tagline, ‘the whole gospel for the whole world’, because it represents what we believe, what we strive to do as a ministry and encompasses the mission, vision and work of our ministry in a way everyone can understand and embrace.
Preparing for Amazement Ministries:
the whole gospel for the whole world
Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Carlson, Executive Director